Comment #3

Thank you again for an insightful post regarding storytelling in education. I forgot about the microphones being a tech aid within the classroom as they are now simply part of my teaching world and daily use. That being said, you are so right in the fact that this tool fosters learning as it exemplifies the words I speak. Not only does it help the learners who may be hard of hearing, but it may help other learners at certain times too. I know from experience that my littles often remind me to turn on the mic!

You say, “children are able to comprehend the information better through digital storytelling, [and] it also creates a sense of meaningful and active listening. ” I absolutely agree with this. They are able to better comprehend the information given to them in a storytelling way because it is more meaningful and allows them to make connections to the intended learning. I also think that storytelling helps learners get interested, engaged, involved and inspired. I think it was Lynch that said, “when research has a story, it has impact.” (Lynch, 2017). Therefore, storytelling has more impact because it evokes those emotions and engagement.

Finally, I love how you speak to using storytelling as assessment. I love doing this with my learners. Using programs such as screencast, or creating digital storytelling lessons such as these in this link:, helps our learners share their understanding in a way that is authentic and engaging to them, as well as in a way that they are able. For example, they can use images when they do not have words, they can use thought bubbles and limited text when their vocabulary has not yet expanded. Another great storytelling app is ComicLife3. I use this with my learners as a way for them to show me all about them, or their DNA (Dreams, Needs and Abilities). SD62 offers this program free.

Thank you so much for your post. I am looking forward to reading your next.

Lynch, M. (2017, November 7). How Digital Storytelling Can Amplify Your Students’ Voices. Retrieved November 14, 2017.

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