PLN in Practice #5

How would you create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice.

If I were to create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign regarding inquiry, I would make sure to ask questions specific to the topic and to be open to a wide range of answers from a wide range of professionals. I could do this by questioning/conversing with friends and family, posting questions on my social media such as facebook and Instagram and by creating a tweet, much like Tomloud @loudlearning did through @edchat.

I could join in on tweet chats and have a voice in the discussion as well. This way, I can ask questions, listen to feedback, give insight, reconfirm/reconfigure thinking all while also building the diversity within my PLN.  “There is plenty to learn from people outside our field” (Woods, 2013). Therefore, I would ensure that my questions were pointed at professionals/people who have both similar interests/occupations, as well as a variety. Finally, “A PLN should never be a one way street. It should be a way for [me] to help others as well. The more [I] contribute to [my] PLN, the more others will want to help [me]” (Woods, 2013). Therefore, I would make sure that I was putting as much into the conversation as I was taking from it, as well as make sure to participate as much with others’ topics as they do with mine.


Woods, Bianca. “Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network.” T+D, vol. 67, no. 11, Nov. 2013, p. 70+. Gale OneFile: Business, Accessed 16 Feb. 2021.

Tom Loud, TL [@loudlearning] (February 14, 2021). Language of Great School Leaders:1. How can I help? 2. What do you think? 3. Your work is changing lives! 4. I trust you 5. I appreciate your commitment 6. Thank you for working hard 7. I was wrong 8. I’m sorry 9. Do you have the tools you need? 10. I’ve got your back [Tweet], Twitter, (Screen shot by Jayne Won).

7 Replies to “PLN in Practice #5”

  1. Hi,

    Great job on incorporating a tweet into your narrative. It helped me invasion and understand your point of view clearly. Out of curiosity, have you ever been in a situation where interacting on social media allowed you to improve your PLN and your reputation/image within your PLN? The reason I ask this is that if one was to use Twitter to gather information, the information you then share with your PLN would impact your image within the PLN, and because at times, info on social media is not factual (or backed by specific research and theories), the credibility of an individual within the PLN became a matter of discussion/can be impacted.

    1. Hi Nav,

      I appreciate your comments and your question. I have not directly done this. However, I have seen others ask questions on twitter and add it to their PLN. Them doing so has never made me second guess this person’s credibility. I appreciate they sought answers elsewhere and that they are taking those insights into consideration. This being said, they always refer to how they gained information and perspective and have not suggested that it all came from hard fact.

  2. Hi Jayne,
    Thank you for this well thought post! I am truly inspired by your idea that we could post questions on social media to initiate discussion before engaging in a social media campaign. Your approach is much more active than mine. In my case, I probably would spend a lot of time posting about a certain topic that I’m familiar with, but would spend less time in interacting with other people. I think the example you included in this post is really helpful. An effective initial survey would help a lot in making later discussions more engaging.

    1. Hi heyhey,

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Yes, used an initial survey or an avenue for discussion, it would be quite effective. This is not to say I would trust or use all the information as face value. However, much like conducting any research, I could take this information and categorize it, make sense of it and then use it in the ways others suggested or for the purposes I sought this information.

  3. Hello Jayne that’s an impressive idea for a campaign! I would say that Twitter is one of the best digital platforms that learners and internet users in general to be able to interact and connect with other people. The hashtag is very helpful to me because it gives me an idea of the topic that is most talked about online.

    1. Hi zongyujia,

      Thank you for your comment. Yes, hashtagging is such a great idea for being able to organize topics and ideas.

  4. Hi Jayne,

    Thank you for your post and your thoughts.
    I wanted to say that I think asking questions on platforms is the best way to create a conversation. I do this on the Instagram account I run for school to get other peers’ opinions and thoughts of what events they want for the year. It is such a great way to make sure other people’s voices are heard and that you are creating a place of conversation.

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