Engaging My PLN #10

How can you use the PLN interactions of this course to further your digital identity post-term

My PLN interactions in this course can further my digital identity post-term because I have been learning from and reflecting on my practices within Mattermost,  my blog and in the break out media platforms I have used with my final group members. From all these experiences/interactions, I have become aware of my DI and learned “how to manage [my] presence in public and private online spaces” (Olivera, 2014). My experiences have taught me how we can kindly communicate and collaborate on several platforms with the intention of learning and developing. I have learned through experience how my DI affects how people view me online and offline, as well as how it feels when I am treated with kindness and respect in my course PLN. Therefore, I will continue these practices which have enhanced my learning, my credibility and my reputation (my DI). My interactions in this course will also continue to develop my DI post-term because I have been part of a network that I will likely work alongside outside of this course. Therefore, somewhere down the line, these same people may inform another person about me because they have seen how I interact and know what knowledge and gifts I have to offer. In the same case, I may inform someone about a person I had networked with in this course. 

I want to note that, not only has this course enabled me to develop my DI, it has also enlightened me to the fact that I had been forming PLN’s and defining my DI online long before this course without realizing what I was doing. By reflecting on this, I have changed the way I act online, as well as some security settings. I also look forward to teaching my children and students about why and how we post and form networks so that they can  be educated about the power of social media before going into it .  Imagine what power our children and learners will have for learning, change or opportunity when they know why they are using social media and how purposefully they can develop their DI/PLN. When they realize how they are benefitting their minds and others’, I can only imagine how empowered they might feel. Our children’s and learners’ future DI’s depend on that knowledge and I cannot wait to share it. 

What does it mean to have a digital identity in your industry of choice and can your current PLN be used to help professional development post-course? 

Having a Digital Identity in teaching means that online, I am represented as a reciprocative, trustworthy person, who accepts and encourages the exchange of information with the goal of learning (Oliveira, 2014). It means that I am someone who has a lot of knowledge to offer, as well as someone who is open to learning new information. It means that I am educated in the realm of Education. Since my DI presents me as the above, my PLN that surrounds me is likely to share like-minded interests. Therefore, these connections to like-minded diverse people will provide me with more knowledge and possible contacts so that my teaching can be enhanced. I may learn more about inquiry from one, or collaborate with another and share what we make to develop others’ thinking. As I have done in the past, I can find a strong voice on my social media platforms and ask them to speak at a professional development day at our school. Therefore we are all professionally developing. At the end of the day, my DI gives me credibility and my PLN gives me access to new knowledge that I can digest and that I can share. Therefore, as long as I keep hearing all voices, learning from them and sharing them, I would consider myself growing professionally and personally daily. 

Additionally, as you progress through the steps of your career, Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

I believe my PLN can be relied on to open professional opportunities because I have developed a network that is diverse in both the people within it and the tools I use, it is centered around interactivity and connectivity and it is open to hearing all voices and to share those new views with the world (Olivera, 2014). Since I have tailored my network in this way, I will have connections that can last a lifetime, or a minute. No matter the length/strength of the connection, these connections can provide me with opportunities for learning or in guiding me to another possible career path/ opportunity, so long as I am open to it, flexible and adaptable within it. 

Oliveira, N. R., & Morgado, L. (2014). “Digital Identity of Researchers and Their Personal Learning Network.” Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Technology-Rich Environments for Learning and Collaboration, 467–477. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07485-6_46


4 Replies to “Engaging My PLN #10”

  1. Hi Jayne,

    Again such an amazing post. Regarding the last question, I want to say that through your blogs I can really understand how you created a “tailored PLN” and the points you have made have really helped create my next steps to grow my PLN and connect with others, likeminded people. It is noticeable that you have created a successful PLN and have so much wisdom to share on that. Furthermore, I appreciated that you specifically talked about your PLN and digital identity in the field of work you are in. And wanted to mention that even though you and I are on different career paths our view on how our digital identity and PLN should be, is very similar.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my blog,

  2. Great reflection Jayne! I can feel your energy from this post!!
    I loved it when you mentioned how you are excited to teach your children and students about why we use social media and how we can use them in a way that empowers them. I got very excited thinking about the future as I read your post. Another thing, I can tell from your blog and how you interact that you have lots of knowledge on education and effective networking, as well as being very confident, yet open to criticism and keep on learning. I think anyone who get a chance to connect with you can continuously be inspired and use those energy to give you back.

  3. Hi Jayne,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I like how you clearly demonstrated your DI (reputation) and how that can lead to higher credibility in PLN. This is such a vital part of the PLN study because it attracts more people to read your thought and have new inspirations. After reading your blog post, I reflect on my own digital identity and realize that I need to keep working on my online interaction to be more active to increase my DI status!

    Thank you for sharing!

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